10 Family Retreat Ideas that won’t break the budget

There are plenty of ways to have a great time with the entire family without breaking the bank. From camping trips to game nights, there are lots of activities that offer quality bonding time for an affordable price.

Here are 10 budget-friendly family retreat ideas that will ensure you make memories together without spending a fortune!

1- Orienteering and land navigation

2- Build something together

3- A different take on shopping

4- Hammock camping

5- Hiking

6- Wildlife identification

7- Dance party

8- Give your kids the opportunity to ask questions

9- Catch, clean, and eat

10- Learn a new skill


1- Orienteering and Land Navigation


orienteering is an outdoor adventure that the whole family can enjoy. It combines outdoor exploration and navigation skills for a challenging but rewarding experience. Orienteering involves using a map and compass to navigate across unfamiliar terrain, often in a race against other competitors or against the clock. In some cases, it can involve navigating on land and water. Land navigation can create an environment conducive to family bonding and personal development.

Land Navigation

Land navigation is a closely related outdoor activity to orienteering, but there are some important differences. Unlike orienteering, land navigation does not involve a race against other competitors or the clock. The main focus of land navigation is teaching outdoor skills such as map reading and compass use for recreational activities such as backpacking and camping.

Supplies needed:

Cost: $10 But you probably have a compass on your phone

  1. Map
  2. Compass
  3. Adventurous spirit

2- Build something together

Building something together as a family can be one of the most rewarding outdoor adventures. Not only does it provide quality bonding time, but it also provides an opportunity to learn and grow together in a challenging, yet safe environment.

Building a fire can be the perfect outdoor activity for parents and children alike. Not only does it signal the beginning of a marshmallow roast, but it’s also a foundational camping skill.

Build a shelter: This could be more of a game for small children but older kids will often jump at the chance to build a survival shelter and then use it for lodging overnight.

Building rock towers, (also known as Cairns). It’s free and will leave a mark for others to see. Balancing a few rocks on top of each other may not sound like much of an adventure but kids will get into it more than you think.



Cost: $15-$20

  1. Fire-starting gear
  2. Knife
  3. Hands


3- A different take on shopping

Shopping at a thrift store can be an exciting, quality time activity for people of all ages. It can be even more fun when you turn it into a game! Gather your friends, and family members, and take a trip to a local thrift store where each person has to build an outfit for a special talent show. Set a budget for everyone and have them use their creativity to put together the best outfit they can! Afterward, everyone can come together and show off their looks. This quality time activity is sure to create lasting memories and plenty of laughs!


Another great way to make quality time out of thrift shopping is by having each person pick out an item that reminds them of someone else. After everyone has chosen an item, they can explain why they chose it and what the other person means to them. This is a great way to bond with each other, while also learning more about each other’s lives.

No matter how you choose to incorporate thrift shopping into quality time activities, it’s sure to be a memorable experience for everyone involved. So make an afternoon out of thrift store shopping! You’ll be sure to have plenty of laughs in the proce

Cost: $20-$50


4- Hammock camping

Hammock camping can be an exciting and enjoyable experience that the whole family can share together! From parents to kids, there is something for everyone in hammock camping. With a few basic pieces of equipment, you are ready to set off and explore Mother Nature from the comfort of your own hanging cocoon. Depending on your comfort level, you may not get much rest that night, but it’s still worth a try.


5- Hiking

Hiking is an ideal activity for a retreat because of its low cost, fun factor, and suitability for all ages. Not only is it a great way to get out and enjoy nature, but it also provides an opportunity to exercise and bond with friends and family. With just a few supplies such as sturdy shoes, water bottles, hats, and sunscreen, anyone can go on a hike every day and explore the outdoors. Hiking is great for everyday lives because it offers stress relief, boosts physical health, encourages creativity, and allows people to enjoy nature in its fullest form. It’s also a great way to get away from technology and daily routines. With hiking, you can take advantage of the benefits of physical exercise, while also exploring the beauty of nature. Whether you are looking to escape your life for a few hours or plan to move forward with a longer trip, hiking is an enjoyable and rewarding activity that can be enjoyed by all. For some, it can become a lifelong commitment. So get out there and explore.

Cost: Free


6- Wildlife Identification

On a family retreat, wildlife identification can be a great activity for all ages. Whether it’s a nature walk or just observing wildlife from the comfort of your car while traveling, making a game out of identifying different types of animals and insects is easy, educational, and fun.

One way to make this exercise more interesting is to keep track of your findings in a notebook. Before you start, create sections in a notebook dedicated to specific animals or bugs that are common in the area. Have each family member write down notes about where they spotted it, how many there were, and any other details they can remember

Cost: Free



7- Dance Party!

A dance party is an amazing way to make a family retreat more enjoyable and memorable. This type of activity is often spontaneous, and it’s easy to get everyone involved in the fun. A dance party can be a great way to break up the day and add some excitement, in addition to being a great way to have some quality family time. When planning the dance party, especially if small children are involved, assign each person a different animal and ask them to act out that animal by creating their own moves or learning some fun dance moves.

Cost: Free


8- Give your kids an opportunity to ask questions

Creating an opportunity for your kids to ask deep, thoughtful questions around a campfire can be a great way to promote family bonding and create lasting memories. Not only does it give children the chance to use their imaginations and learn more about the world around them, but it also creates a space for meaningful conversations between parent and child.


In order to get the most out of your campfire conversations, it’s important to come prepared with questions that encourage problem-solving and critical thinking. Ask questions like “What would you do if…?” or “How can we work together to solve this problem?” This will help your children explore different solutions and think about how to work together as a team.


You can also use campfire conversations as an opportunity to discuss current events or talk about important topics like empathy, kindness, and respect. With thought-provoking questions like, “If you could change one thing in the world what would it be?” or, “How have you seen someone act with empathy and kindness?”, your family can learn more about each other and the world around them. By creating an environment of open dialogue, respect, and understanding, you can turn campfire conversations into a powerful tool for learning and growth.


Cost: Free


9- Catch, Clean, and Eat

Developing confidence in wilderness skills through the classic outdoorsman activity of “Catch, Clean, and Eat”, and successfully preparing fish for meals will help your family gain knowledge of the different types of fish, their habits, and their habitats in order to identify opportunities for successful fishing. You can try the various techniques used to capture, prepare and cook fish. Learning how to clean, scale, and fillet a variety of fish is a great activity to teach wilderness skills and enjoy your food even more.

In addition, kids gain valuable insight into sustainable practices when it comes to harvesting wildlife.


Cost: $20-Infintie

  1. Fishing pole or at least some line and hooks
  2. Bait
  3. Knife
  4. Fire-starting gear

10- Learn a new skill

A retreat is an excellent opportunity to pick up a new skill or hobby. Whether it’s something creative, like painting or drawing; something physical, like martial arts training or rock climbing; or something cognitive such as a foreign language, there’s always plenty of options that can be explored during the retreat.

From fishing and carving walking sticks to learning a new skill, there are plenty of activities that can be enjoyed on an outdoor retreat. Campfire conversations provide the perfect opportunity for families to come together and bond over thought-provoking questions, while also teaching valuable lessons about empathy, kindness, problem-solving and critical thinking. By engaging in these activities during your family’s next retreat or camping trip, you will create memories that will last a lifetime! So grab some marshmallows, get outside with your loved ones and make sure to take advantage of all the wonderful experiences nature has to offer.


Cost: Depends on what skill you learn

  1. YouTube
  2. Willingness to learn